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This email literally makes zero sense my order is on its way but it’s backordered and hasn’t been shipped i’ve been refunded go home elf you’re drunk. Urgent the congress will begin discussions to finalize fiscal year 2019 appropriations legislation tomorrow the committee will reconcile differences in the house and senate versions of these spending bills if the house version is passed it would authorize the blm to manage wild horses and burros in non reproducing and single sex herds by subjecting them to risky invasive surgeries and could mean the beginning of the end for the iconic free roaming mustang herds of the american west do not let congress undermine over 50 years of wild free roaming horse and burro prot a Original Books For Love Bookworms Book Lovers shirt ion please take action today what you can do call your congressmen and senators at 202 224 3121 here s what you need to say I m name and I m a constituent please ask rep senator name to contact the appropriations conference committee to urge them to reject the stewart amendment calling for the mass sterilization of wild horses and burros this would undermine 50 years of protection and is counter to the wishes of the 80 percent of americans who want our wild horses protected and humanely managed thank you then send a follow up email to your elected officials on capitol hill wildhor se 2offo9w. It truly amazes me how companies can still allow for bad customer service I placed an order the other day so I could use my myplace cash that I had earned since I am a frequent shopper at checkout everything was fine but after I submitted my order somehow the myplace cash had been taken off and I was charged the full amount I requested a refund of the 20 plus the tax since I had now been taxed on the larger amount instead of the smaller amount I was issued a refund of 19 99 what not only was it not the full 20 I know its not a big difference but its the principle but I was not given the tax back only a couple dollars but again the princple why should I have to pay extra for your system error I sent another request in but was told sorry you couldn’t do anything sheesh Hot Original Books For Love Bookworms Book Lovers shirt
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